Monday 18 April 2011

Introduction to my website -

Hi and welcome to the goodtextures blog,

my name is Simon Murray and I am the founder/photographer/texture collector of the website This being my first post, I intend to make regular news updates here as well as adding tips / tutorials etc regarding Photoshop, texturing and the life of working as an Environment artist.

Just to give you a brief heads up of what I do professionally. I have now been working as an Environment artist in the games industry for just over 10 years now. I have had the privilege of having worked on 6 games the latest being Drakensang Online from BigPoint. I have been and am responsible for creating most of the environment textures such as buildings, ground, weapons, plants and basically everything else excluding the characters and monsters. Might sound a bit boring as everyone usually wants to see the cool monsters and concepts, I still like the job very much and still enjoy coming into work everyday.

Moving back to my texture website. Through my work and love for working with all different types of textures, I decided to buy a camera and go out taking thousands of photos from all over the country. My main aim being to supply a massive library of the highest quality textures possible I think could be useful for fellow artists or anyone who should need them. Skipping a few years and late nights and weekends, I managed to build a collection of well over 10,000 textures as well as getting them put up online. in a nutshell is a non profit site and is absoultely free to use. The textures can be used for your private and/or commercial projects. Below are a few examples taken from the site. The quality does not represent the full size as they have been scaled down here.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading and keep your eyes peeled for my next post.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Simon! The overall interface of the site is very user-friendly. Every element is located nicely, and it the pages do not seem cluttered at all. I also like the color scheme you used, it's so soothing! Those are awesome textures you have, by the way.

    -Sage Aumick
